Thursday, September 10, 2009

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up hope!

It hardly seems possible, but, it has been almost 16 years since I heard those words.

"Your child has a very large, inoperable tumor".

How does someone say THAT less than one minute after formal, first time introductions?

Well, it happened to me, when my son was just barely 3 years old. I'm guessing if you are reading this, then it has happened to you, too. Turned out he had Neuroblastoma, which, in 1993 had a less than 14% survivability rating.

This blog was created to encourage you.

I am a life coach now. I help people with all sorts of things all day long, but, my heart is still very tender toward those moms and dads who have to not only endure hearing that awful sentance proclaimed over their child--- "Your child has cancer" --- but, then, endure month after month after month of barbaric treatment and horrifying side effects.

My son lived. My son began college just a few weeks ago. But, I am very, very mindful of others who didn't have that chance. I am also very, very mindful of the stress of simply managing the PROCESS of going through this experience.

That's what this website is about....


I learned a lot of things during this time of Ian's cancer. And I want to help you with some tips and suggestions that can perhaps ease YOUR suffering.

I welcome comments and suggestions and sharing of things that you have done that have helped.

What I would like to do is send you a FREE series of tips and help coach you through this.

It's my way of giving back for all I have been given.

There is a sign up form--- simple really--- and what that will do is give me permission to send you little coaching tips at regular intervals.

I promise never, ever to share your contact information.

I promise never, ever to bring you more pain.

I will honestly do my best to help you--- now and in the future, as I think of things that might serve you well.

You will get through this. You will begin to live again. You will never be the same.

Blessings to you---


---Just go to the next page of this site now and quickly fill out the little form to get my first set of "10 helpful tips for newly diagnosed cancer kids and their families". You will get an email making sure it's ok.
